Wednesday, 14 July 2021

The ArbiCash System Review: Can You Advertise on CNN?

 Readers have been asking me to write an Arbicash system review, and I hope this will satisfy their curiosity.

On the surface, the ArbiCash system is a training course that teaches you how to use native ads for traffic. 

More importantly, it teaches you how to make simple websites that can convert on this traffic and earn you a profit. According to the sales video, it’s possible to become a millionaire with this method in a matter of weeks.

Well, that might be a long shot.

But native ads are quite effective, and we’ll discuss them more later on in this review.

But what is ArbiCash system, and is it a scam?

I found quite a few ArbiCash System reviews online, but instead of providing me with information about the course, I was sent to an affiliate link.

This is an honest and unbiased ArbiCash review.

The ArbiCash System Review: Details

  • Name: ArbiCash System
  • Type: eBook.
  • Training Subject: Creating simple ad-based websites.
  • Price: $47 one-time fee.
  • Verdict: Continue reading to find out.

I’ll admit, the system is rather interesting but I immediately noticed a few flaws with the business model.

Before we get into them, let’s take a look at how the system works.

How the ArbiCash System Works:

You create a simple website with very minimal content and a lot of ads. When people click these ads you earn some cash.

Then, we’ll write an article and seamlessly enter the link to our website somewhere within the content of the article.

This type of advertising is called native-advertising and it is quite powerful.

The difference between native-advertising and regular advertising methods is that your advertisement is content.

It’s like a sponsored post. 

Have you seen the sponsored posts sections on popular websites like CNN? They’re everywhere! And they blend right in with the other articles on those websites.

That’s native-advertising in action! 

The idea is to get the link to your article in those sections for massive amounts of traffic.

ArbiCash System recommends Out Brain, the largest advertiser platform with publishers such as CNN and TIME. People are sick of traditional ads, and they’re more likely to click on links that look like regular posts.

Native advertising is essentially disguising your advertisements as further reading material. 

So, the ArbiCash system teaches you how to write simple articles that you’ll use as native advertisements. These articles will lead people to your website, where they’ll see other ads, and you’ll earn from those networks.

Basically, we’re using ads to send people to more ads, but we earn from these ads.

And hope that our ads earn us more cash!

That’s essentially the entire ArbiCash System, explained in a nutshell. 

The course also provides you with some worksheets to manage your budget and conversion rates.

All in all, it’s not a bad course, but there are some downsides.

Problems with The ARBICASH System:

Well for starters, it won’t make you a millionaire.

The sales video wants you to think you can use this system to become a millionaire; it doesn’t work like that.

In other words, there’s a bit too much hype in the sales video. 

Another downside, in my opinion, is the focus on creating fast websites that serve no purpose other than to host advertisements.

And these websites are plain ugly!

Very few people want to stay on a website that has every section full of advertisements.

It looks like spam.

This is taken from the sales videoan example of the websites you’ll create. 

It’s kind of painful to look at. 

I doubt anyone would want to stay on that website, much less click another advertisement.

So the main issue I have with this course is they mention an excellent source of traffic, but the websites you make to receive this traffic are junk.

One side is good, the other side, not so much.

I would disregard their website advice and focus on creating an authority website in a specific niche instead.

Using Native Ads the RIGHT Way:

Native ads are an excellent source of traffic, and if you’re an affiliate marketer, there are quite a few opportunities for you to earn cash with this method.

For example, maybe you already have a website where you write reviews about various products.

Well, those reviews could be used as native-ads.

Just include a link to the product you’re promoting inside the content and you’re good to go.

Also, Facebook and Twitter can be used to advertise specific articles on your website. 

This type of content tends to convert better because people are more interested in reading an article than they are in buying a product right off that bat.

Facebook has a advertising feature called “Sponsored Posts” and you can sponsor any article on your website.

I recommend playing around with this method because it can be extremely profitable, and Facebook doesn’t charge too much either.

In fact, anyone can start with five dollars, and see how it goes from there.

Or but their traffic is a little more expensive. 

So if you’re not seeing the sales you desire, I recommend playing around with some paid native-ad campaigns.

It can really boost your website, and there are no risks involved.

ArbiCash discusses native ads in more detail, and in that regard it’s not a bad course.

But when it starts teaching you to make junk websites, that’s when the system falls apart.

You’re Smart: Get the Training You Need >>

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The ArbiCash System Review: Can You Advertise on CNN?

  Readers have been asking me to write an Arbicash system review, and I hope this will satisfy their curiosity. On the surface, the ArbiCas...